
Outbreak Training Website



In Australia, syphilis is considered a notifiable condition and therefor any diagnosis is required by law to be reported to the appropriate jurisdictional authority. The notification process is different accross Australia. Please see the drop down menus below for each jurisdiction’s notification requirements.

Syphilis Registers

The existence of a Syphilis Register in a State or Territory provides a central reference point to enquire about past treatment to enable correct treatment, and to prevent the patient being unnecessarily re-treated. QLD and NT, already have established registers, while WA and SA are looking to set one up.

Syphilis registers can record:

  • Laboratory results of syphilis serology
  • Treatment provided
  • Dates of treatment
  • Location of treatments, ie town or community and the health service
  • Named contacts, their results and date tested results (if known)
  • Response to treatment

Jurisdictional notification requirements